Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Mother's Creed

Da'nelle Robins,
do solemnly swear,
that as a mother
I . . .

  • Relinquish the rights to a full, uninterrupted shower, unless taken after 10 PM
  • Will no longer wear black
  • Will reach into a baby's mouth to retrieve any small object he/she may have found
  • Give up a consistent night's sleep for the next 2-5 years. I will instead compensate it with 2-3 blocks of sleep intertwined with 5 minute accidental naps during the day
  • Will comb and style my daughter's hair even though she will undoubtedly take it out on the way to somewhere important
  • Eat my meals only after I have prepared, cut up, and fed my children first. I understand that doing so will generally leave my own food cold and required to be consumed quickly.
  • catch vomit with my hand and wipe disgusting messes from all parts of my children's bodies
  • will learn how to walk, cook and do Pilates with baby weight* (*baby weight is the weight of a child that holds on to you wilst trying to move or do exercises)
  • must learn to sacrifice my way of life, my pride, my selfish wants, and take every opportunity available to teach a principle about what is happening
  • Willingly allow my patience, nerve and personal space to be tested to the utmost degree

In return, I will. . .
receive more joy, love and happiness that I could ever have known to be possible.

Signed, Da'nelle Robins


emily said...

As always, loved your post! Said beautifully, where do I sign:)

Amber said...

well said! I wish someone had actually made me sign that BEFORE I had kids. I distinctly remember telling Chris when I was pregnant with Andrew, that I wasn't going to be "one of those moms" who doesn't get up and shower every morning. Oh, how I'm eating my words.

Sarah said...

Loved this! It is 100% true for all Mommas! xo